Lesbos this is why you should go

In 2015 many many refugees crossed the ocean to the shores of Lesbos, where locals and international organisations like the Starfish Foundation tried their best to help them. Now when tourists think of the island they imagine this...

Life vests

In 2016, the refugees stopped coming to Lesbos. But tourist also disappeared. And that's why I would like to show you the true Lesbos. There is this and so much more...

There is beauty everywhere
The old fashioned Greek life
It's a paradise for photographers
Really, it is!
Skala Sikaminea
There's cats!
Pretty cats, ugly cats, nice and angry cats...

And of course there's great food and drinks

So if you're in doubt: just go! Do it, go on a holiday and support this lovely place! You won´t regret it...


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